Monday, August 10, 2009

Vishnu and the Magic Elixir

Since everything I have posted lately seeems to have been a mashup of more recent stuff, and a fair amount of it has skirted towards electronic music, I thought I would use this mix to get back to some of my old favorites.

With Harvest Records presenting Brightblack Morning Light, Espers and Bonnie "Prince" Billy at the Diana Wortham Theatre this Friday, and Dungen and Woods playing at The Grey Eagle next week, this seemed like the perfect time to scrape the bong resin out of the old cranium and fire up a psychedelic stew.

This mix does feature a handful of tracks from Dungen and Woods, both old and new, but also some all time favorites like Bardo Pond, Acid Mothers Temple, a vintage classic by Silver Apples and a newly remastered track by 60's Irish psych-folk band Andwellas Dream There are a couple of newish tracks like the ones from The Dutchess and the Duke, Floorian and Flight and some very new tracks by the not so psychedelic (but mind bending nonetheless) Destroyer and Yo La Tengo.

And of course no psychedelic mix would be comlete with out at least one track by the Lemmy helmed, pre-Motorhead, brain melting amalgam that was Hawkwind.

Note: this site not responsible if the colors do not taste like you think they should.


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