Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Clem Snide - Grey Eagle - 3/13/2009

I am not sure why Clem Snide never took off and found the mass audience that they deserved. Anyone that likes the music of Andrew Bird and M. Ward should feel right at home curling up next to the wistful whine of Eef Barzelay and his bandmates.

Long story short, they are playing at the Grey Eagle on Friday March 13th. Tix are $8. No word on a discount for ironic t-shirts.

Bonus points, I lobbied long and hard for Clem Snide's version of "I'll Be Your Mirror" to be me and my wife's first dance song at our wedding. I lost, and Bob Dylan prevailed. I think we can call that a wash.


1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    Great Seeing the shout out for Clem Snide!
    Thanks so much!
    So, I just happen to be the project manager for the new record which as you know, comes out 2/24/09. If you'd like a free copy for review or any press materials for that matter feel free to let me know.
    We have all sorts of online materials such as banners, images, press releases etc...
    We also have buttons, posters and even vinyl for the lucky ones.
    Contact me at:
    Hope to hear from you!
